The Third Eye and How to Open It.
Most people these days have obviously heard of the third eye, but they still have no idea what it is or how it can benefit them. The third eye is a part of the chakra energy mapping system for the human being, representing various aspects of this entire life and beyond. As such, this ancient and powerful system of understanding and developing ourselves from a higher level of consciousness is essential to know about and use. Especially in these days and times. The Third Eye cosmic energy vortex is nestled right between the eyes, and is also known as the brow chakra or “Ajna” in Sanskrit. It’s important to note that information and Divine knowledge about the Third Eye spans back to the most remote times. By now, the entire chakra system is a well-accepted scientific reality. In fact, Lord Sri Krishna Himself discusses the importance of using the Third Eye in the Bhagavad-Gita, which most people have heard about but still don’t understand Manifestation me...